Outlaws News

Big Bad Bob: Yes Bob was in a few games this week. Seams the old fart is ready to kill again, Guns were a little slower but he's still deadly so watch your backs boys.

Abe: Still no video card, and still complaining that he can't play. Hope he gets up and running soon I need a kill.

Nemesis: New guy to Outlaws, Should do real well he is a Unreal Tournament shooter, Also a map maker. Hope he can do a few Outlaws maps for us. His site is at rabbi-clan 

Mattsliva: New guy to Outlaws from the bash at Vince's house. This guy loves to kill so watch out.

Krazy Ace: Look out boys ace is shooting again. I seen him in 2 games this week. Guns are a little rusty but it wont take much for Ace to be on top again.

Doc Holiday Kix: Oh yea Doc came in guns blazing this week. He still does that side to side thing and is hard to hit so stay away if you see him or you will die!

Kid Macoo: Well the kid has got himself a new site up at kid-macoo.com Yes the crazy Outlaw went and bought 500 megs of space. If he can quite drinking wine and farting long enough to get the site up it should be great.

Outlaws Story

Well the Outlaws Story is being written over at Truffle's Board You can go there and be part of it, even write a few lines to add to the story. This is one of the best things I have ever seen done in Outlaws, Great job Truffle.

New Maps

Citadel by Hooter. It is a rendition of the "Handful of Missions" map Thud Tower. Removed the "death-drop" area and added some buildings. also made it allowing CTF play.

garboville2 BY Warrior. Very nice buildings in a valley, Excellent sky textures, Fast game play.

gladiator By Rebellady. Great arena type map with nice fires. Let the killing begin.

laststop By Chaabo. Next beer 100 miles. Great little valley map with tunnels.

twainsta By Sam Clements. Big Building in a valley. Nice tunnels in the cliffs. Great map.

weaponry By Warrior. Nice building in a valley. Got to love the flags.

Dool By Hooter. A remake of Duel. Looks good fast action killing.   

Map Makers

Please send your new maps to dad@theoutlawdad.com

Outlaws For HL

For all the HL players I found a Outlaws map you may not have this one is based on the first Outlaws level. So this is a must have for all you Half Life players. Map was made by Freelance. Get it here hlOutlawsFinal

Outlaws Sites
This week the following Outlaws sites have been added to the Links page



Dean Wermers

 Band News

State of Mind: Well the keyboard player has went to Aruba on vacation. Must be nice! Well lets hope the band sends there schedule in soon. ( No WEB Site ).

Silver Sky: Next show at St Hilary's Church Festival 8/3/2001 Washington PA. Visit there web site at SilverSkyBand.com

Road Work: After one week with the band Moon has left. Well will he go back to his old job as drummer for Chris Bake or will he stay home and just enjoy his old lady? Time will tell. I need a calendar update boys so be sending it in. ( No Web Site ).

Starburst: Oh the shit has hit the fan here! Vincent Richards has quite the band. I have not heard of a replacement. People are saying the band will fall apart soon. No updates at the Starburstband site.

Vincent Richards: Lead singer from the Starburst Band has a new web site at vinrichards The site is under construction but you can go there and bookmark it now.

Chris Bake: Well the old rocker is still playing every Friday at Chubb's Pub in Follansbee W V. Even with the loss of the great drummer Moon, Chris has managed to keep on rocking. You can visit his site at Chris Bake Old Rock Stars Never Die site.

Legend: Next show at Serbian Picnic Grounds in Weirton W V. 8/12/2001 Don't miss this great show. ( No Web Site )

Warkult: Heavy Rock from the valleys best. Check out there web site at Warkult

If you would like your band listed here, please send your info to dad@theoutlawdad.com

Restaurant News

Denny's in Washington PA: Oh My GOD!! You CAN NOT eat at this place. I was seated in a booth right off from where they make the salads. I seen the guy working there pick his ass then he made 2 ice cream sundays, then he licked his fingers. Oh My it gets better, Then he put his hands right into the lettuce and made the salads. The waitress then brought the salads to my table. I was sick now, So I told the waitress no thanks and that I could not eat this salad. At this point myself and the others with me left. So unless you like BUTT CRACK SALAD DO NOT EAT AT DENNY'S.

TV News

HBO: Best Funeral show on TV is 6 Feet Under, Sunday night at 9:30 eastern.

Millionaire News

I'm a Aspiring Millionaire. I need funds to reach my goals. So please send $1 to the Aspiring Millionaires Fund and help TheOutlawDad become a Millionaire.     Denny Music  P. O.  Box 274  Follansbee,  WV 26037

Special Thanks this week to Troy for sending 5 dollars. I really do appreciate it.



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